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Hungry all day!

As much as I try to stick within the 1400 cal per day limit I am really struggling because I am hungry!! I am having cereal for breakfast (bran flakes / special K) then I'll have fruit mid-morning, I'll have a small sandwich on brown bread with a low fat yoghurt for lunch, then I'll have fruit in the afternoon and a banana before the gym, for my tea I've been having 200-300 cal meal (i.e. weight watchers) with LOADS of veggies to try & fill up. All day I'm hungry, in between meals and even after my tea, the past two days I?ve gone over by 150 cals. I'm getting fed up!! Help! Charlotte


Our expert says...

Hi Charlotte,

If you have recently started dieting, it may be that your appetite hasn't adapted to your new way of eating yet, which is leaving you feeling hungry. Or it could be that you are finding it difficult to retrain your appetite after the Christmas period - which is true for a lot of people at the moment!

Anyway, looking at you diet you are certainly on the right track, by eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, and maybe a few small adjustments will reduce your hunger. I would recommend that you keep eating wholegrain cereal for breakfast and maybe try some alternatives to see if they fill you up more. You could try porridge (made with half milk and half water) sprinkled with seeds and drizzled with honey or no-added sugar muesli. The protein and good fats contained in the nuts and seeds should sustain you for longer, as they take longer to digest. Sometimes a smaller amount of something more calorific (in a healthy way!) is more satisfying and it will certainly make your breakfast more nutritious.

I would include a small handful of seeds or a few nuts with your fruit snack for the same reason. Otherwise, fruit is quickly digested and you will soon feel hungry again. At lunchtime, make sure your bread is wholemeal (as ?brown? bread is not always the same and can be white bread dyed white!) and contains some lean protein and check that your low-fat yoghurt is not high in sugar. You could also take a side salad or some vegetable sticks to eat with your lunch, which will add some crunch and fill you up.

Your strategy of eating loads of veggies with dinner is a good one. Have you thought that it may be the ready meal that is not filling you up? Generally you can get a higher fibre and protein content by cooking something yourself ? as well as the satisfaction of knowing exactly what you are eating! You could try a small chicken breast or piece of fish with brown rice or a few potatoes in their skins. It doesn't have to be complicated. Have a look in the Meal Suggestions section of the Forums for some good ideas.

You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss. This website and the content provided should not be used by persons under 18, by pregnant or nursing women, or individuals with any type of health condition, except under the direct supervision of a qualified medical professional. The information contained in these articles, and elsewhere on this website, is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to replace, and does not constitute legal, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and may not be used for such purposes. Continue...

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