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Real Life Diet and Nutrition Questions Answered

Emma Brown

Janet Aylott

Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant

Real Life Fitness Questions Answered

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Emma Brown

Janet Aylott

Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant

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Vicky Nutritionist Why am I pooing less?
Vicky Nutritionist How many eggs should I eat a week?
Vicky Nutritionist How can I get enough iron when I don't eat much meat?
Vicky Nutritionist Am I taking too much Vitamin A?
Vicky Nutritionist I need some energy foods!
Vicky Nutritionist Why do I feel nauseous when I forgo lunch or eat late?
Vicky Nutritionist Do soya yogurts count as dairy or fruit and veg?
Vicky Nutritionist How can I overcome cravings on night duty?
Vicky Nutritionist Any packed lunch ideas for vegetarians?
Angela Nutritionist I'm not losing ANY weight - help!
Angela Nutritionist Bloated after a c-section
Angela Nutritionist Is readybrek as good as porridge for a wheat-free eater?
Angela Nutritionist What's the best Chinese to eat on my night out?
Vicky Nutritionist Am I eating more calories and fat than on Weight Watchers?
Vicky Nutritionist Why is my weight going down then back up?
Vicky Nutritionist How can I get rid of my gas and tummy ache?
Vicky Nutritionist How does the pill impact on weight loss?
Vicky Nutritionist What sugar content should I be looking for?
Angela Nutritionist How many calories in Nicorette?
Vicky Nutritionist Hungry all day!
Angela Nutritionist Are food labels truthful about the calories they contain?
Angela Nutritionist Why does my weight keep going up and down?
Vicky Nutritionist What can I do to ease bloating and tender breasts?
Vicky Nutritionist Am I getting enough calcium?
Vicky Nutritionist What can I eat before I go to work at 5am?
Vicky Nutritionist Finding it hard to shed 4-5lbs for my wedding.
Vicky Nutritionist One meal has blown my calorie target for the week!
Vicky Nutritionist Any advice for dieting with IBS?
Vicky Nutritionist Why am I not losing weight?
Vicky Nutritionist Which foods will help my weak knees?

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