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Emma Brown
Janet Aylott
Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant
I have heard from�Slimming�Club consultants in the past that if you blend fruit to make smoothies, it is bad for you because your body doesn't need to break the fruit down and it is just absorbed as sugar - is this correct?� Surely the calorie content wouldn't change?
Thanks for your query.
It’s hard to imagine fruit can be bad for you, as we’re all constantly hearing how important it is to get our five a day, and how fruit is a great source of potentially disease-protective antioxidants.
However the issue with fruit when it is juiced or crushed is that the calories get concentrated into a smaller volume, with the likelihood being that you will then consume a lot more calories and sugar, simply because to make a whole glass you need several fruits, not just one or two.
Also, during the juicing process, sugars are released from their natural place within cells, becoming “extrinsic” sugars which are the type linked with harm to teeth, in excess. Juices (but not necessarily smoothies) are also lower in fibre than the fruit they come from.
Despite all this, a glass of fruit juice or smoothie daily is very good for you indeed, and as ever, it's about moderation! As long as you enter the juice or smoothie accurately into your diary, you can't go wrong.
Hope this helps,
Best wishes,
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