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Bread / pitta / wraps?

I have at least 7 st to lose my main down fall is bread. Should I swap that for pitta or wraps? And I do love my soups and have the thick and creamy ones - any ones that I should avoid? Many thanx. Lisa


Our expert says...

Hi Lisa,

I don’t think you are alone and many a dieters’ downfall is bread! You could swap it for pitta or wraps but it all comes down to weighing what you are eating and entering it into your food diary meticulously and staying within your target to lose that weight I am afraid.  I think I would prefer to have a little of what I really liked and enjoy it, if I was you!  So, if that is bread maybe freeze the loaf and just take out a small portion at a time for one meal?

On the subject of soups, I’m afraid that creamy soups are normally quiet high in fat and calories.  You would be better choosing tomato based varieties and ones based on vegetables. Or you could always ‘slim down’ a favourite soup by adding a load of cooked veggies and making it last over two meals.  I’d save the thick creamy ones for an occasional treat.  Good luck! 

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